Wednesday 27 May 2020

We recommend here a listing of 10 Books with a brief review for each one of them.
Hindi eBooks, ebooks in hindi, hindi books, digital books

These are collections of short stories, simple and straightforward books for 10-year old kids. But before we get there, allow us to take a little detour.
Do you want your ten-year-old would read more? It’s a great deal when your child turns 10. You'll find that the products you turned to before are not any longer suitable. When it involves reading, how do you confirm that your children have books that are right for them? best seller Hindi books 
.Must read Hindi books Does a ten years old girl or boy enjoy reading books? Kids reach this age after crossing different stages like baby, toddler, kindergarten, school goer, and tween. At the stage of a pre-kindergarten child learns to read and write. Parents should develop an interest in their children. They use storytelling as a tool to spice up the curiosity of their children. it's seen that youngsters began to know what they read at school classes.
At the age of 6,7 and 8, children start to show interest in reading books. Sometimes, they even demand books of their own interests, cultivated as a result of listening to stories from their parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. in an exceedingly country like ours, storytelling could also be a stepping stone for learning. In old days, stories were carried from passing generation to coming generation only through the method of narration and listening. This ancient process of preserving knowledge was called Shruti (to listen) in India.
As children transition into their tweens, they develop a specific set of reading skills and behaviors. You’ll want to make sure that the books you give them encourage their intellectual development. Ten-year-olds do not have any problem grasping different elements of stories. This includes time, place, plot, conflict, climax, narrative, and backbone. Now’s a wonderful time to introduce them to exciting genres like fantasy, adventure, mystery, and fantasy. you will be ready to now introduce them to more complex stories. Discuss what your child reads to encourage critical thinking.
Best books of all time. Here’s everything you need to know about buying books for your kid. I’ve even thrown in an exceedingly list of recommendations for the best books for 10-year-olds, so book shopping won’t be much trouble.

Famous books and their writers list
नीचे दी गयी सूची में जिस पुस्तक की अनुशंसा की गयी है, वे सभी पढी गयी है, उनकी रोचकता को देखते हुए ही उन्हें यहाँ रखी गयी है । ये सभी पुस्तकें काफी लोकप्रिय हैं । आप हिंदी और अंग्रेजी प्रति में से कोई भी अपनी सुगमता से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं ।

1. Sampoorna Panchatantra 

Rs.71 from AMAZON

The Panchatantra stories are very old. Originally narrated in Sanskrit (Hindu) and Pali (Buddhist), they were written in their present form by Pandit Vishnu Sharma. Legend has it that King Amar Shakti asked Pandit Sharma to impart worldly wisdom to his three sons. Pandit Sharma agreed to do this within 6 months. He narrated stories with subtle messages to the princes that taught them various qualities for success and survival such as unity, friendship, firmness of mind, earnestness, etc. These stories of Panchatantra are divided into five parts. 'Pancha' means five and 'tantra' refers to codes of conduct. The five tantras are Separation of Friends, Gaining of Friends, Of Crows and Owls, Loss of Gains and Rash Deeds. The Panchatantra illustrates the primary Hindu principles of niti - the wise conduct of life – through stories largely based on animal characters. Beautifully illustrated, 'Vishnu Sharma's Complete Illustrated Panchatantra' will be the ideal addition to a child's library.

(Original text with Sanskrit Verses)

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पंचतंत्र भारतीय संस्कृति, भारतीय रीती-नीति और भारत कि पवित्र परम्परा क घोतक एक रत्न है। विद्वान रचियता ने इसमें हमेशा काम आनेवाली धार्मिक, आर्थिक और राजनीतिक बातों को बहुत सुन्दर ढंग से सजाया है। यह ग्रन्थ अपने पाठकों को एक अभिन्न साथी के रूप में मिलता है , जो जीवन भर सम्पत्ति - विपत्ती, कलह - मित्रता, हर्ष - विवाद एवं सुख -दुख के समय असीम प्रेम के साथ हाथ बढाने को तैयार रहता है। आप कैसी भी स्थिति मे क्यो न हो , इसके कुछ पन्नो को पढ़ लीजीए। यह तुरंत आपको कोई ऐसी बात बताएगा कि जिससे आपको एक नयी स्फूर्ति का अनुभव होने लगेगा और आप अनायास आपने कर्तव्य में अधिक ततपरता के साथ लग जायेंगे।

2. Hitopadesh ki Lokpriya Kahaniyan 

हितोपदेश की कहानियाँ भारतीय परिवेश को ध्यान में रखकर लिखी गई उपदेशात्मक कथाएँ हैं; जिसके रचनाकार नारायण पंडित हैं। हितोपदेश की कथाएँ अत्यंत सरल; रोचक; प्रेरक और सुग्राह्य हैं। विभिन्न पशु-पक्षियों पर आधारित तार्किक कहानियाँ इसकी खास विशेषता है; जिनकी समाप्ति किसी शिक्षाप्रद बात से होती है। इस पुस्तक में हितोपदेश की मूल लोकप्रिय कहानियों को स्थान दिया गया है। कहानियों को रोचक और पठनीय बनाने के लिए इनके मूल शीर्षक; क्रम; कथानक और विस्तार को यथोचित संपादित कर दिया गया है; लेकिन कथा की मूल भावना को जीवंत रखा गया है; जिससे पाठक पारंपरिक आस्वादन पाने से वंचित न हों। अपनी रचना के कई सौ साल बाद भी इन कथाओं की लोकप्रियता में जरा भी कमी नहीं आई है तो केवल इनमें निहित संदेश के कारण। इनका कथानक पाठकों को अपने आस-पास घटित हुआ जान पड़ता है। यही कारण है कि वे सहज ही इनसे अपने आप को जोड़ लेते हैं । यही इन कथाओं की सबसे बड़ी खूबी है; जिसके कारण ये सदाबहार बनी हुई हैं - मनोरंजन तथा नैतिक ज्ञान से भरपूर कहानियों की पठनीय पुस्तक

Illustrated Stories for Children is a series of storybooks containing all-time favorite stories for children to read and enjoy. Each book consists of stories that fuel children's imagination and take them to places where they come across diverse characters. The stories are laden with elements such as adventure, thrill, love, remorse, courage, inspiration, morals, wit, wisdom, and magic that blend perfectly to make reading a worthwhile experience. Besides developing reading habits, children will be enthralled and entertained with these delightful books. The stories have been attractively illustrated with pictures that keep children engaged.


भगवान् बुद्ध के अनुयायी बुद्ध घोष ने लगभग दो हजार वर्ष पहले जातक कथाएँ लिखीं। जातक कथाएँ बौद्ध ग्रंथ त्रिपिटक के सुत्त पिटक के खुद्दकनिकाय का हिस्सा हैं।जातक कथाओं में भगवान् बुद्ध के 547 जन्मों का वर्णन है। कथाओं की विविधता; शैक्षिकता; रोचकता और उपयोगिता को बढ़ाने के लिए इस पुस्तक में भगवान् बुद्ध के पे्ररक प्रसंगों को भी स्थान दिया गया है। कथाओं में पात्रों के रूप में पशु-पक्षियों; मनुष्य; सामाजिक परिवेश; भावनाओं इत्यादि सभी का समावेश भगवान् बुद्ध के विराट् व्यक्तित्व को दरशाता है।इतने सालों बाद आज भी इन अमरकथाओं की प्रासंगिकता जस-की-तस बनी हुई है। इनके अध्ययन और अनुकरण द्वारा कोई भी नीति-निपुण तथा नैतिक ज्ञान-संपन्न हो सकता है; इसमें जरा भी संदेह नहीं है। हर आयु वर्ग में पाठकों के लिए पठनीय; संग्रहणीय और अनुकरणीय पुस्तक।

4.Vikramaditya and the Throne of 32 Puppets

(सिहांसन बत्तीसी)

Only the wise and worthy may sit on this throne! In the time of Raja Bhoja of Ujjain, a magnificent throne, carved exquisitely with 32 puppets, was discovered under a hillock. Enamored by its appearance, the king had it polished and set up in his court. As he made his way towards it, one of the puppets came to life and warned him that none but the worthy King Vikramaditya could sit on the throne. Each day, the king would approach the throne, and each day, another puppet would come to life and caution the king. The tales of Vikramaditya as told by the 32 puppets to Raja Bhoja are immortalized in the book, Singhasan Battisi. Handed down from generation to generation, these stories continue to enchant readers, young and old alike.

5.Tenali Raman wit and wisdom stories

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हास-परिहास में राजकाज की ढेरों समस्याएं सुलझाने में पारंगत एक राज विदूषक तेनाली राम के किस्सों और कहानियों पर आधारित पुस्तक आप सभी के समक्ष प्रस्तुत है। दक्षिण भारत के राजा कृष्णदेव राय के अष्ट दिग्गजों में तेनाली राम अति विशिष्ठ थे। महान राज विदूषक, गंभीर से गंभीर विषय को अपने परिहास द्वारा हल कर देना उनका विशेष गुण था। तेनाली राम का जन्म गुन्टूर ज़िले के गलीपान्डु नामक गांव में हुआ था। उनका वास्तविक नाम रामलिंग था। बचपन में पिता की मृत्यु हो जाने के कारण उन्होंने अपनी माँ के आँचल तले अपने मामा के साथ ननिहाल 'तेनाली गांव' में परवरिश पाई। ननिहाल में रहने के कारण ही इनका नाम 'तेनाली राम' पड़ा। तेनाली राम बचपन से ही बहुत शरारती थे। मामा की मृत्यु हो जाने के बाद जब गांव में रहकर गुज़र बसर करना मुश्किल हो गया तो यह भटकते हुए विजयनगर चले आये और अपनी विशिष्ट शैली की हास्य पटुता से राजा कृष्णदेव राय के अष्ट दिग्गजों में अपना नाम सुरक्षित कर लिया। आशा करते हैं तेनाली राम की विद्वता से लबरेज़ किस्सों का संकलन पाठकों को पसंद आयेगा ।


Rs.144.38 at AMAZON
Great Stories for Children is a collection of some of Ruskin Bond's most delightful children's stories. It stars Toto, the monkey, who takes a fancy to the narrator's aunt, much to her dismay, a python besotted by his own appearance, a mischievous ghost who enjoys stirring up the house when things get dull, three young children stranded in a storm on the Haunted Hill and Ruskin Bond himself, who happens to make the acquaintance of a ghost at a resort late one night.

7.71 Famous Scientists & Books for 71+10 Science projects

Science, as we all know refers to a body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be rationally explained and reliably applied. Science is a unique combination of Theory and practice. Thorough knowledge of this subject is almost impossible without proper practical demonstrations which are also termed as scientific activities or projects. In this book, 71+10 Science activities, The author has taken up the simple facts and principles of science, such as air Force, pressure, weight, Emulsification, osmosis, gravity and Motion, Rotation, types of energy, vibrations, good and bad conductors of electricity, experiments with magnets, light, and sound for children, and projected them in a very simple and lucid language for the readers-- particularly the school kids who can easily perform these activities at home or school, of course with the help and able guidance of their parents, elders, or teachers. The book is meant for children of all age groups, particularly from 6 to 13 who can perform and experience the thrill of these fun-filled experiments.

8.THE JUNGLE BOOK BY Rudyard Kipling

On a warm evening in the Seeonee hills, a family of wolves finds someone at the threshold of their cave–a human child, who knows nothing of the world of men. Adopted by Father Wolf, the man-cub Mowgli grows up with the pack in the Jungle. Mowgli begins his journey and learns the law of the Jungle with the help of his newfound friends: Bagheera the wise Panther and lovable old Baloo. Together they face many dangers and adventures, as Mowgli comes face-to-face with Shere Khan the tiger and the Bandar-Log.

9.Malgudi Days 

The book Malgudi Days is a collection of short stories written by R.K. Narayan and published by Indian Thought Publications in India in the year 1943. Outside India, the book was republished by Penguin Classics in 1982. Malgudi Days is a collection of 32 fictional stories set in a small beautiful town called Malgudi in South India. Every story is based on the problems faced by nations in general during that era.

10. Ali Baba and Forty Thieves

This Arabian tale describes how the life of honest Ali Baba changed when he met forty thieves in a forest. Once upon a time, there lived two brothers, Ali Baba and Qasim. The elder brother was Qasim. He was married to a rich lady. So, he lived happily. Ali Baba was a poor woodcutter. One day, when Ali Baba went to the forest, he saw a gang of forty thieves. They were riding on horses. They went up to a cave and got down from their horses. The chief of the robbers stood in front of the door of the cave and said, “Open Sesame.” The door of the cave opened. All the robbers went inside and the door of the cave closed. Ali Baba was afraid. He waited for the robbers to go. After some time, the door of the cave opened once more and the robbers came out. The chief stood in front of the door of the cave and said, “Shut Sesame.” What was inside the cave? What robbers did inside the cave? What Ali Baba did see inside the cave? Buy the eBook to find answers to all the questions.
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